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Eun Jung Ha 1 Article
Effects of Changes of Plateau and Rise/Fall Times on Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials
Yeo Jin Lee, Soo Hee Han, Eun Jung Ha, Yong Soo Jung, Hi Boong Kwak, Mun Su Park, Jung Eun Shin, Hong Ju Park
J Korean Bal Soc. 2008;7(2):193-196.
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Background and Objectives: The ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (OVEMP) is a recently discovered test of labyrinthine function, analogous to the cervical VEMP. Recent works have demonstrated the existence of OVEMPs, which likely reflect otolith-ocular reflex. The purpose of this study was to identify the optimal plateau and rise/fall times of short tone bursts to detect OVEMPs in healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: Thirteen healthy subjects (26 ears) were included in this study. Surface electromyographic activity was recorded from active electrodes placed inferior to each eye. Stimulation with 500 Hz short tone bursts was used. We used a variety of plateau and rise/fall times. Three different plateau times (1, 2, and 3 ms) and rise/fall times (0.5, 1, and 2 ms) were used. The incidence, amplitudes and latencies were compared. Results: VEMP responses were clearly observed in all 26 ears at the plateau time of 2 ms and two rise/fall times (0.5 and 1 ms). The amplitudes in the individual ears tested were lower at the rise/fall time of 2 ms than at the other conditions. The amplitudes were lower at the plateau time of 3 ms compared to the other conditions. When the rise/fall time was prolonged from 0.5 to 2 ms, the n1 and p1 latencies were prolonged in parallel. However, there was no such change in latencies according to the plateau times. Conclusions: Our findings show that the ideal stimulation pattern for evoking OVEMP is at the rise/fall times of 0.5 or 1 ms and the plateau time of 2 ms. The waveform morphology of the VEMP responses observed with this stimulation pattern was simultaneously the most constant and marked. Key words: Evoked potentials, Ocular VEMP, Vestibulo-ocular reflex, Otolith

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science