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Jin Ho Yoon 2 Articles
Dandy-Walker Syndrome Confused with Peripheral Vestibular Neuronitis
Heung Eog Cha, Joo Hyun Jung, Jin Ho Yoon, Ju Hyoung Lee
J Korean Bal Soc. 2007;6(1):57-59.
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Dandy-Walker syndrome is congenital malformation characterized by cystic enlargement of the fourth ventricle and agenesis or hypogenesis of the cerebellar vermis. The major clinical symptoms of the disease are hydrocephalus, weakening of physical strenth and athletic abilities, macrocephaly, cerebellar disorders like ataxia, nystagmus and irritability, vomiting from IICP. The syndrome usually occurs in early infancy and is barely diagnosed in adult. A fifty six aged female patient whose chief complaints were dizziness with right nystagmus and right hearing disturbance visited our outpatient clinic and showed ninety three/fifty six dB in right pure tone audiometry. So we prescribed PO medication on the assumption that she had right sudden sensoryneural hearing loss with vertigo, however left nystagmus was seen in her physical examination after discharge. We present this case that she was diagnosed as Dandy-Walker syndrome in brain MRI after all.
Chicken Embryo as a Model of Inner Ear Study
Gyu Cheol Han, Youn Kyu Lee, Jin Ho Yoon, Kyung Kun Min, Ju Hyoung Lee
J Korean Bal Soc. 2004;3(2):379-385.
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and Objectives : Nowdays, numbers of patient who suffers from inner ear disease are increased and we need to completely understand about inner ear anatomy and embryology. But we have many problems to use human itself as a model, so it is difficult for us to study. Instead of using human as a model, recent days, many doctors use mammalians and birds. In this study, we used chicken embryo as a model whose inner ear was thought to be similar with human's inner ear and we made effort to get inner ear images by light microscope. Materials and Method : We incubated Gallus domesticus in auto-incubator for 12days. In each embryonic day (4th to 12th days), we got the chicken embryo and made paraffin block. Next, with micro-tomb, we made slice section and fixed to slide. Using micro-digital camera system, we took the picture of the inner ear of chicken embryo.
: We observed the structures of inner ear of chicken embryo from 4th embryonic day to 12th embryonic day. In 4th day and 5th day, we could not get the definite clear image. But from 6th to 12th day, we got the clear images of utricle, saccule, semicircular canals, etc. In several micro-section methods, making oblique coronal section was showed the best images of inner ear.
: This study was the start point of chicken inner ear embryology and anatomy. Hereafter, we should make the deeper study about chicken inner ear with these results and investigate the genetic and extrinsic factors which influence to inner ear disease. So we should solve the fundamental problem of inner ear disease based on this study.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science