Traumatic Perilymphatic Fistula Presenting with Direction-Changing Positional Nystagmus
Ja Won Koo, Si Whan Kim, Ji Soo Kim, Sung Wha Hong
J Korean Bal Soc. 2004;3(1):173-176.
- Diagnosis of perilymphatic fistula (PLF) is considered in the patient presenting hearing loss associated with ataxia
after penetrating injury of the tympanic membrane. PLF accompanies mixed type hearing loss and paralytic nystagmus.
If audiovestibular symptoms and signs are not definite for those patients, in whom PLF is highly suspicious, they can
be induced by affected ear down position. The direction of nystagmus induced by position change was reported either
toward or away from the affected ear. But the direction changing nature has not been noted in the previous literature.
We report on a case of traumatic PLF presented with direction changing positional nystagmus and discuss the possible
mechanism involved in this case.
Key Words : Positional nystagmus, Perilymphatic fistula