Labyrinthine fistula refers to a condition caused by an abnormal connection between the inner ear and surrounding structures. Most cases of that occur as a result of a complication brought about by cholesteatoma. It may also be generated by long repeated infections of a mastoid cavity that has been exposed to the outside after canal wall down mastoidectomy (CWDM). The infection is usually repeated for several years or decades after surgery. Therefore, labyrinthine fistula after CWDM is known as a late complication. In this case, labyrinthine fistula occurred in two months after surgery due to postoperative infection. Although cholesteatoma was removed after CWDM and the horizontal semicircular canal (HSCC) was not damaged during the operation, this labyrinthine fistula was thought to develop very early after surgery. Two months after surgery, the patient complained of dizziness, we identified the opened bony labyrinth and damaged endosteum of the HSCC in the patient.
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A Case of Labyrinthitis Ossificans Presenting as an Intractable Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Dong Hyun Kim, Jae Moon Sung, Hwi Kyeong Jung, Chang Woo Kim Research in Vestibular Science.2017; 16(3): 92. CrossRef
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most common disease of the
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the patient was changed to apogeotropic horizontal nystagmus in the head roll
test. We concluded that transition of canalolithiasis into cupulolithiasis happened
during head-bending posture. The cupulolithiasis was returned to canalolithiasis
by using side-lying position with the affected ear downward for approximately
45 minutes.