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Case Report
Recurrent Dizziness of Cardiac Origin Confirmed by Holter Monitoring
Seung Ho Shin, Kyu Sung Kim, Hoseok Choi, Seong Hye Choi
J Korean Bal Soc. 2008;7(2):218-221.
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Ineffective cerebral perfusion by low cardiac output may cause various types of dizziness like mild lightheadedness, vertigo or presyncope, and sometimes it can be the only heralding symptom. Differential diagnosis with other causes of dizziness is important because the symptom may progress into life-threatening bradyarrythmia and loss of consciousness. There are several literatures that reporting the association between cardiac disease and dizziness and their improvement with treatment of cardiac problem including pacemaker placement. But these are only indirect evidences to explain the cause-symptom relationship. We experienced 48-year old woman who has had recurrent dizziness of rotatory type lasting for about 5 seconds since first year, and then diagnosed atrioventricular block after. She has been having anti-hypertension medications for 2 years. She didn’t have any abnormalities in electrocardiography, chest x-ray, or routine blood tests. There were no abnormalities in vestibular function test and electronystgmography. Her result of 24-hour Holter monitoring clearly elucidated temporal relationship between arrhythmia and her episodic symptoms of dizziness. The authors report a case with review of literatures about cardiogenic dizziness. Key words: Dizziness, Syncope, Arrhythmias, Cardiac, Electrocardiography, Ambulatory
24 hr Ambulatory ECG and Schellong Test for the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Origin Dizziness
Ji Hwan Yun, Jae Ho Ban, Seung Suk Lee
J Korean Bal Soc. 2004;3(2):362-366.
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and Objectives : Dizziness is a vague symptom of disease. Dizziness of cardiovascular origin is associated with decreased cardiac output and usually presented as light-headed sensation of an impending faint. This study aims to provide the clinician with a logical approach to identifying the cardiovascular causes of dizziness. Materials and Method : From February 2002 to June 2004, we sampled the 30 dizzy patients who complained light-headed sensation of an impending faint with underlying disease of arrhythmia or abnormal blood pressure. The 11 patients with arrhythmia were monitored by 24 hr ambulatory ECG monitoring and all were examined with Schellong test.
: Among the 11 patients with arrhythmia, 7 patients were diagnosed as cardiovascular origin dizziness by 24hr ambulatory ECG monitoring and 10 patients as orthostatic hypotension by Schellong test.
: The results of this study indicated that 24hr ambulatory ECG monitoring and Schellong test had efficacy for the diagnosis of dizzy patients who complained light-headed sensation of an impending faint with underlying disease of arrhythmia or abnormal blood pressure.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science