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Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science



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HOME > J Korean Bal Soc > Volume 5(2); 2006 > Article
Original Article Correlation between Spontaneous Nystagmus and Vestibular Function Test Parameters according to Gender and Age in Vestibular Neuritis
Jae Yun Jung, Eun Seok Lim, Young Saeng Kim, Min Young Lee, Yong Won Chung, Chung Ku Rhee

Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Dankook University School of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea.
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and Objectives: There are caloric test, SCEP, DP in Step velocity and VOR asymmetry in SHA test as parameters for evaluation in unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy in parameter of vestibular function test. The aim of this study is to assess the correlation between these parameters and intensity of spontaneous nystagmus in vestibular neuritis. Materials and Method: We evaluated 75 patients who were diagnosed as vestibular neuritis with 3 degree spontaneous nystagmus at vestibular function test lab from January 2000 to July 2005 in Dankook university hospital. The correlations between direction and intensity of spontaneous nystagmus and monothermal caloric test, SCEP and DP in step velocity, VOR asymmetry (0.01, 0.04, 0.16 Hz) in SHA test were analysed. And correlations according to sex, age were also analysed.
The correlation coefficient between intensity of spontaneous nystagmus and monothermal caloric test was 0.60. The correlation coefficient between intensity of spontaneous nystagmus and SCEP was 0.35. The correlation coefficient between intensity of spontaneous nystagmus and Tc DP was 0.36 and it showed no significant correlation. The correlation coefficient between intensity of spontaneous nystagmus and VOR asymmetry (0.01, 0.04, 0.16) was 0.57, 0.46, 0.51, respectively and there was higher correlation in man, age under 60.
Intensity of spontaneous nystagmus showed close relations to monothermal caloric test, VOR asymmetry of SHA, Tc DP, SCEP DP in sequence. In addition, young male patients tends to be closely related to intensity of spontaneous nystagmus. Key Words : Spontaneous nystagmus, Vestibular function test, Vestibular neuritis

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science