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1 Dizzy and psychological scales in BPPV-suspicious patients without characteristic nystagmus
Seok Min Hong1, Sung Kyun Kim1, Heejin Kim1, Seok Jin Hong1, Yong Bok Kim1, Il-seok Park1, Dawoon Oh2

DOI: [Accepted]
Published online: August 19, 2017
1Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hwaseong, Korea
2Department of Anesthesiology and pain medicine, Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hwaseong, Korea
Corresponding author:  Seok Min Hong, Tel: 031-8086-2852, Fax: 031-8086-2681, 
Received: 29 July 2017   • Accepted: 19 August 2017
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Patients, who have had a history of BPPV-like symptoms, but no characteristic nystagmus, were often present. They are diagnosed as having a resolved state from BPPV or normal, and tend to be overlooked. We investigated the dizzy and psychological scales in BPPV-suspicious patients. Study Design : prospective study
Thirty-nine patients, which they had vertigo of a short duration at the specific head position, and clinically suspicious BPPV, but no nystagmus in positional tests, were enrolled. We compared dizzy and psychological scales of suspicious BPPV patients with 138 BPPV patients, using DHI, BDI and STAI. Additionally, among the BPPV-suspicious group, patients with a BPPV history were compared with those with no previous BPPV.
No differences in the all scales were found between the two groups. However, DHI scores of patients with a previous BPPV attack were significantly higher than those of patients with no BPPV-like symptoms; in particular, there was a significant difference in emotional scores.
Although the patients had no characteristic nystagmus, if they have a BPPV-like history and symptoms, emotional support and periodic follow up are needed. In particular, careful observation should be performed in patients with previous BPPV attack.

Res Vestib Sci : Research in Vestibular Science