1Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea
2Research Institute of Hearing Enhancement, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Wonju, Korea
© 2024 The Korean Balance Society
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This research was supported by “Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS)” through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) (2022RIS-005) and by Korean Fund for Regenerative Medicine funded by Ministry of Science and ICT, and Ministry of Health and Welfare (21C0721L1, Republic of Korea).
Conflicts of Interest
Young Joon Seo is an Associate Editor of Research in Vestibular Science and was not involved in the review process of this article. The authors declare no other conflicts of interest.
Availability of Data and Materials
All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article. For other data, these may be requested through the corresponding author.
Authors' Contributions
Conceptualization, Project administration, Validation, Visualization: TB, YJS; Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software: TB; Funding acquisition: YJS; Writing–original draft: TB, YJS; Writing–review & editing: TB, YJS.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Title | Developers | Developed year | Developed platform | Purpose | Outcomes | Limitation | Image database | Data acquisition |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Arora et al. [4] | 2014 | VoxelMan | Case-specific surgical rehearsal in VR temporal bone surgery | Improved surgical skills, planning, training, and confidence | Limited sample size | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Arora et al. [5] | 2015 | Unity | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Improved surgical skill training and surgical anatomy | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone IHD implantation simulator | Maassen et al. [6] | 2004 | REALAX | Temporal bone IHD implantation in a VR environment | No significant difference between VR and surgical implantation | A limited number of participants | Cadaver and patient’s CT | Qualitative measurement |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Francis et al. [7] | 2012 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Improved objective structured assessment of technical skills | Limited number participants | CT image | Likert scale |
No direct comparison with other training methods | ||||||||
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Fang et al. [8] | 2014 | Visible Ear Simulator | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Improved surgical skills and confidence | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Chan et al. [9] | 2016 | CardinalSim | To create a preoperative VR environment that allows increasing practical temporal bone-related surgery | The same anatomical or pathological features were observed in both intraoperative video and simulation | No objective measurement of performance improvement | Patient’s temporal bone CT and MRI | Qualitative measurement |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Linke et al. [10] | 2013 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone surgery | More experienced surgeons fewer injuries with better score | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Modified final product analysis scale |
VR temporal bone dissection simulator | Varoquier et al. [11] | 2017 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Experienced surgeons better overall scores and faster than novices | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone dissection simulator | Frendø et al. [12] | 2020 | NVIDIA Omniverse | Decentralized temporal bone VR surgery training | Improved performance in temporal bone dissection tasks | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Welling scale |
VR temporal bone dissection simulator | Zirkle et al. [13] | 2009 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Experienced trainees had better outcome than novice | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Quantitative measurement |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Gawęcki et al. [14] | 2020 | NVIDIA | Teaching antromastoidectomy surgery | Improved surgical skills after repeated training | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
Limited sample size | ||||||||
VR temporal bone dissection simulation | Andersen et al. [15] | 2022 | NVIDIA Geforce | Self-assessment VR simulation mastoidectomy effects during cadaveric dissection | Improved dissection performance during VR simulation with higher performance during cadaveric dissection | Cohort reference as a historic controls | CT image | Welling scale |
VR temporal bone mastoidectomy simulation | Andersen et al. [16] | 2016 | Visible Ear Simulator | Training mastoidectomy VR training | Final performance had increased after VR training | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Welling scale |
VR temporal bone simulation | Mickiewicz et al. [17] | 2021 | (Geomagic touch haptic device) | Teaching antromastoidectomy surgery | Improved surgical performance | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | Copson et al. [18] | 2017 | (VR temporal bone simulator) | Teaching cochlear implant surgery | Improved cochlear implant surgery performance after VR simulation | Limited number of participants | Cadaver’s temporal bone | Global competency scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | Frithioff et al. [19] | 2021 | Visible Ear Simulator | Teaching cochlear implantation | There are no differences between conventional and screen-based VR simulation | Limited number of participants | CT image | Qualitative measurement |
Medical students | ||||||||
VR temporal bone mastoidectomy surgery simulator | Frendø et al. [20] | 2021 | Visible Ear Stimulator | Teaching cochlear implant surgery | Improved surgical skills and confidence | Limited sample size | CT image | Cochlear implant surgery assessment tool |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Frendø et al. [21] | 2022 | Visible Ear Simulator | Cochlear implantation on VR simulation | Improved surgical skills and confidence | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Williams et al. [22] | 2019 | NVIDIA Omniverse | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Positive feedback from trainees | No direct comparison with another training method | Cadaver’s temporal bone CT | Likert scale |
Medical students | ||||||||
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Compton et al. [23] | 2020 | NVIDIA Omniverse | Temporal bone surgery training | Positive feedback from participants | No direct comparison with another training method | Cadaver’s temporal bone CT form DICOM files | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Andersen et al. [24] | 2021 | NVIDIA | Teaching mastoidectomy | Usefulness for presurgical planning | Limited number of participants | Clinical CBCT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Piromchai et al. [25] | 2016 | NVIDIA 3D | Anatomical variation in VR cochlear implant surgery | Improved performance in temporal bone dissection tasks | Limited number of participants | CT image | Global rating scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Ioannou et al. [26] | 2017 | Visible Ear Simulator | Difference between experts’ and trainees’ surgical performance | Experts spend less time and shorter drilling paths than trainees | Limited number of participants | CT image | Quantitative measurement |
VR temporal bone dissection simulation | Wijewickrema et al. [27] | 2017 | NA | Training temporal bone cochlear implant surgery | Positive feedback from participants | Limited number of participants | Cadaver’s CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | O’Leary et al. [28] | 2008 | CSIRO | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Improved surgical ability, planning, and technique of temporal bone surgery | Limited number of participants | CT image | Temporal bone assessment criteria |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | Wijewickrema et al. [29] | 2015 | (VR temporal bone simulator) | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Improved surgical skills after VR training and positive feedback from participants | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Quantitative measurement |
Medical students |
Title | Developers | Developed year | Developed platform | Purpose | Outcomes | Limitation | Image database | Data acquisition |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Arora et al. [4] | 2014 | VoxelMan | Case-specific surgical rehearsal in VR temporal bone surgery | Improved surgical skills, planning, training, and confidence | Limited sample size | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Arora et al. [5] | 2015 | Unity | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Improved surgical skill training and surgical anatomy | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone IHD implantation simulator | Maassen et al. [6] | 2004 | REALAX | Temporal bone IHD implantation in a VR environment | No significant difference between VR and surgical implantation | A limited number of participants | Cadaver and patient’s CT | Qualitative measurement |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Francis et al. [7] | 2012 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Improved objective structured assessment of technical skills | Limited number participants | CT image | Likert scale |
No direct comparison with other training methods | ||||||||
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Fang et al. [8] | 2014 | Visible Ear Simulator | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Improved surgical skills and confidence | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Chan et al. [9] | 2016 | CardinalSim | To create a preoperative VR environment that allows increasing practical temporal bone-related surgery | The same anatomical or pathological features were observed in both intraoperative video and simulation | No objective measurement of performance improvement | Patient’s temporal bone CT and MRI | Qualitative measurement |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Linke et al. [10] | 2013 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone surgery | More experienced surgeons fewer injuries with better score | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Modified final product analysis scale |
VR temporal bone dissection simulator | Varoquier et al. [11] | 2017 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Experienced surgeons better overall scores and faster than novices | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone dissection simulator | Frendø et al. [12] | 2020 | NVIDIA Omniverse | Decentralized temporal bone VR surgery training | Improved performance in temporal bone dissection tasks | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Welling scale |
VR temporal bone dissection simulator | Zirkle et al. [13] | 2009 | VoxelMan | Teaching temporal bone dissection | Experienced trainees had better outcome than novice | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Quantitative measurement |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Gawęcki et al. [14] | 2020 | NVIDIA | Teaching antromastoidectomy surgery | Improved surgical skills after repeated training | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
Limited sample size | ||||||||
VR temporal bone dissection simulation | Andersen et al. [15] | 2022 | NVIDIA Geforce | Self-assessment VR simulation mastoidectomy effects during cadaveric dissection | Improved dissection performance during VR simulation with higher performance during cadaveric dissection | Cohort reference as a historic controls | CT image | Welling scale |
VR temporal bone mastoidectomy simulation | Andersen et al. [16] | 2016 | Visible Ear Simulator | Training mastoidectomy VR training | Final performance had increased after VR training | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Welling scale |
VR temporal bone simulation | Mickiewicz et al. [17] | 2021 | (Geomagic touch haptic device) | Teaching antromastoidectomy surgery | Improved surgical performance | Limited number of participants | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | Copson et al. [18] | 2017 | (VR temporal bone simulator) | Teaching cochlear implant surgery | Improved cochlear implant surgery performance after VR simulation | Limited number of participants | Cadaver’s temporal bone | Global competency scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | Frithioff et al. [19] | 2021 | Visible Ear Simulator | Teaching cochlear implantation | There are no differences between conventional and screen-based VR simulation | Limited number of participants | CT image | Qualitative measurement |
Medical students | ||||||||
VR temporal bone mastoidectomy surgery simulator | Frendø et al. [20] | 2021 | Visible Ear Stimulator | Teaching cochlear implant surgery | Improved surgical skills and confidence | Limited sample size | CT image | Cochlear implant surgery assessment tool |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Frendø et al. [21] | 2022 | Visible Ear Simulator | Cochlear implantation on VR simulation | Improved surgical skills and confidence | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Williams et al. [22] | 2019 | NVIDIA Omniverse | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Positive feedback from trainees | No direct comparison with another training method | Cadaver’s temporal bone CT | Likert scale |
Medical students | ||||||||
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Compton et al. [23] | 2020 | NVIDIA Omniverse | Temporal bone surgery training | Positive feedback from participants | No direct comparison with another training method | Cadaver’s temporal bone CT form DICOM files | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Andersen et al. [24] | 2021 | NVIDIA | Teaching mastoidectomy | Usefulness for presurgical planning | Limited number of participants | Clinical CBCT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Piromchai et al. [25] | 2016 | NVIDIA 3D | Anatomical variation in VR cochlear implant surgery | Improved performance in temporal bone dissection tasks | Limited number of participants | CT image | Global rating scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulator | Ioannou et al. [26] | 2017 | Visible Ear Simulator | Difference between experts’ and trainees’ surgical performance | Experts spend less time and shorter drilling paths than trainees | Limited number of participants | CT image | Quantitative measurement |
VR temporal bone dissection simulation | Wijewickrema et al. [27] | 2017 | NA | Training temporal bone cochlear implant surgery | Positive feedback from participants | Limited number of participants | Cadaver’s CT image | Likert scale |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | O’Leary et al. [28] | 2008 | CSIRO | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Improved surgical ability, planning, and technique of temporal bone surgery | Limited number of participants | CT image | Temporal bone assessment criteria |
VR temporal bone surgery simulation | Wijewickrema et al. [29] | 2015 | (VR temporal bone simulator) | Teaching temporal bone surgery | Improved surgical skills after VR training and positive feedback from participants | No direct comparison with other training methods | CT image | Quantitative measurement |
Medical students |
VR, virtual reality; CT, computed tomography; IHD, inner hair cell device; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; DICOM, Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine; CBCT, cone beam CT; NA, not applicable; CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.